there are things that we always have to make difference:
do what you like to do, what you are born to do, what all your life have rounded around and, what is actually your life after years and years of sacrifices
1. with the heart and the soul and only for yourself, for the sake of it , for the passion or
2. do it because you have to do
If you realized that you do it because you have to do, maybe is better that you forget the whole thing and start to find something else, certain things you must do because you want. You know the fans will always claps their hands whatever you say or do...they are fans...but I am not a fan, not anymore and see you going down for a stupid hurts me deeply.
You have had a bad day, every human has it, let it be just a bad day..not something else.
I am sure you haven't sacrificed all because you have to be what people expect you to be...and I know that in those 2 years of silence you have understood that this thing is all what you are and want to be, you are the key and only you, and in 2001 when I first saw you, you were you.
I have seen your wonderful smile 2 days ago on the stage, I felt the love that for so long you had lost back in you, and I am sure it was just a slip out what happened yesterday, but please don't give up...don't let the stress burn you will be a great loss if you will stop to do what you are doing the best...
I love you.
The shadow that smiles to you always