Thursday, December 31, 2020


 This has always been the day of the of Happy New Year wishes. This year I don’t feel like using the word Happy but Better.

Who would have thought that last year, in wishing, we were entering one of the most difficult years of our existence as human beings on this planet, in this existence? 

That’s right... none of us, not even the most famous mediums...

Of course, when I made The Wheel of the Year spread with tarot cards, something I had seen. 

There was a card that struck me so much, that it still gives me goosebumps, I could not interpret it connected to me, I was denying it, knowing that I was doing this. I thought it was just because of the fear that aroused me. It was the emotional loss card, which usually involves, according to the manual, the loss of someone close by death; material, actual or emotional, bust still death, and I wasn’t really ready for another loss in any shapes, not a bit.

But it’s not all about me, right? And above all, nothing goes according to the instructions in the manual, because we are human beings in perpetual movement, even when everything seems stagnant in 3D, we are energy forms so in 5D nothing is stagnant, There is always a reason why we are called to stop and rest in the reality in where we live. To get ready for what comes next...

This I am also learning, in my work with tarot cards and oracles. The Spirits, the Guides, the Angels, don’t just tell you things about you, they tell you about a collective, a collective that you belong to. 

Surely this was one of the reasons why I didn’t feel that card directly mine; and it often happens when I lay them down for myself, because I am learning this discipline, that everything seems to connect like a puzzle then there is a card that has nothing to do with all the others. There, is that card! Maybe is the most important of all, and it happens to me that it will continue to remain in my memory, until I find the possible explanation, which, in this example, came one year later.

2020 for me is that card that has nothing to do with the others, and yet it is teaching me to have a broader vision, to see things, situations, from a different perspective; and is not easy at all, because involve to change and tear down all what you have taught to, every possible scheme you were used to.

Many mediums had perceived a drastic change, but a Pandemic? No, it had not passed in the interpretation of anyone.

There have been so many emotional losses this year in the Collective, because a broader look at this card suggests the loss of emotional contacts, or the loss of contacts in general, and this pandemic has just done this.

Emotional loss is the frustration you feel when you can’t hug your loved ones. The emotional loss is the loss of contact with people, it’s an agony to see a person you love unconditionally, and not even be able to touch him. What you have are the feelings that a non-contact, contact, has left you. The games of glances, the flirting, the chemical reaction; and you cling to those feelings like a thirsty man would cling to water in the desert, and you miss that lack of contact, you miss it so much, and when the memory is not enough for you anymore, frustration is unbearable, and yet, this also helps you to grow, to take the next step, to feel with your soul not only see with your eyes. Eyes are often deceptive.

You cry, you try to see beyond, you find new hobbies, you find the solutions to continue to do what you love, you also decide to public a new poetry book, or a new record, or whatever, because in time like these, you may also understand what is your mission, your purpose in this life. It certainly takes a while to get used to, but what you love, gives you the strength to look ahead, because after the night, always comes the day, after the darkness always comes the light, is the natural course of everything...

My 2020 wasn’t horrible, it was and will be for a while, also the 2021 difficult, it will be for everyone, for some more than for others, but I will work hard to remind myself to hold the light, the hope, do you the same.

In 2020 I have changed job, and I am grateful that I have worked and continue to work when many are facing unemployment and financial difficulties, I keep you in my prayers.

In 2020 I have published, my second poetry book.

In 2020 I am closing a really big cycle of my life that will open the doors to a new beginning.

I evolved as a human being because of the spiritual path I’m on, and is an on going work...

So what I expect for 2021? I don't have many expectations and it is not because I am depressed or whatever, no, is because I want to be open of whatever will come, it will be a NEW YEAR, a NEW CHAPTER of this life I am living now, knowing that I am never alone.

Of course, I miss the hugs, I miss the spontaneity that I had in approaching people, because this pandemic has taken away this spontaneity. I miss going to Helsinki or Turku, because it’s too risky, or Italy, England or Torrita, for the same reason. Going to concerts... go swimming in the pool...

These things will come back. We’ll go back to hugging each other to have that drink together, even if it’s just a coffee, to travel in our favorite places. I am sure and I am assuring you too.

If we have learned something from all this, because there is a very important lesson behind this pandemic, it is to  appreciate these gestures much more, precisely because the lesson to be learned is NOT TAKING ANYTHING FOR GRANTED, I have learned this lesson at the moment.

So, to all of you, I wish A BETTER YEAR, and I wish it to myself too.

Love and light ❤ Diana Mistera

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