Thursday, December 31, 2020


 This has always been the day of the of Happy New Year wishes. This year I don’t feel like using the word Happy but Better.

Who would have thought that last year, in wishing, we were entering one of the most difficult years of our existence as human beings on this planet, in this existence? 

That’s right... none of us, not even the most famous mediums...

Of course, when I made The Wheel of the Year spread with tarot cards, something I had seen. 

There was a card that struck me so much, that it still gives me goosebumps, I could not interpret it connected to me, I was denying it, knowing that I was doing this. I thought it was just because of the fear that aroused me. It was the emotional loss card, which usually involves, according to the manual, the loss of someone close by death; material, actual or emotional, bust still death, and I wasn’t really ready for another loss in any shapes, not a bit.

But it’s not all about me, right? And above all, nothing goes according to the instructions in the manual, because we are human beings in perpetual movement, even when everything seems stagnant in 3D, we are energy forms so in 5D nothing is stagnant, There is always a reason why we are called to stop and rest in the reality in where we live. To get ready for what comes next...

This I am also learning, in my work with tarot cards and oracles. The Spirits, the Guides, the Angels, don’t just tell you things about you, they tell you about a collective, a collective that you belong to. 

Surely this was one of the reasons why I didn’t feel that card directly mine; and it often happens when I lay them down for myself, because I am learning this discipline, that everything seems to connect like a puzzle then there is a card that has nothing to do with all the others. There, is that card! Maybe is the most important of all, and it happens to me that it will continue to remain in my memory, until I find the possible explanation, which, in this example, came one year later.

2020 for me is that card that has nothing to do with the others, and yet it is teaching me to have a broader vision, to see things, situations, from a different perspective; and is not easy at all, because involve to change and tear down all what you have taught to, every possible scheme you were used to.

Many mediums had perceived a drastic change, but a Pandemic? No, it had not passed in the interpretation of anyone.

There have been so many emotional losses this year in the Collective, because a broader look at this card suggests the loss of emotional contacts, or the loss of contacts in general, and this pandemic has just done this.

Emotional loss is the frustration you feel when you can’t hug your loved ones. The emotional loss is the loss of contact with people, it’s an agony to see a person you love unconditionally, and not even be able to touch him. What you have are the feelings that a non-contact, contact, has left you. The games of glances, the flirting, the chemical reaction; and you cling to those feelings like a thirsty man would cling to water in the desert, and you miss that lack of contact, you miss it so much, and when the memory is not enough for you anymore, frustration is unbearable, and yet, this also helps you to grow, to take the next step, to feel with your soul not only see with your eyes. Eyes are often deceptive.

You cry, you try to see beyond, you find new hobbies, you find the solutions to continue to do what you love, you also decide to public a new poetry book, or a new record, or whatever, because in time like these, you may also understand what is your mission, your purpose in this life. It certainly takes a while to get used to, but what you love, gives you the strength to look ahead, because after the night, always comes the day, after the darkness always comes the light, is the natural course of everything...

My 2020 wasn’t horrible, it was and will be for a while, also the 2021 difficult, it will be for everyone, for some more than for others, but I will work hard to remind myself to hold the light, the hope, do you the same.

In 2020 I have changed job, and I am grateful that I have worked and continue to work when many are facing unemployment and financial difficulties, I keep you in my prayers.

In 2020 I have published, my second poetry book.

In 2020 I am closing a really big cycle of my life that will open the doors to a new beginning.

I evolved as a human being because of the spiritual path I’m on, and is an on going work...

So what I expect for 2021? I don't have many expectations and it is not because I am depressed or whatever, no, is because I want to be open of whatever will come, it will be a NEW YEAR, a NEW CHAPTER of this life I am living now, knowing that I am never alone.

Of course, I miss the hugs, I miss the spontaneity that I had in approaching people, because this pandemic has taken away this spontaneity. I miss going to Helsinki or Turku, because it’s too risky, or Italy, England or Torrita, for the same reason. Going to concerts... go swimming in the pool...

These things will come back. We’ll go back to hugging each other to have that drink together, even if it’s just a coffee, to travel in our favorite places. I am sure and I am assuring you too.

If we have learned something from all this, because there is a very important lesson behind this pandemic, it is to  appreciate these gestures much more, precisely because the lesson to be learned is NOT TAKING ANYTHING FOR GRANTED, I have learned this lesson at the moment.

So, to all of you, I wish A BETTER YEAR, and I wish it to myself too.

Love and light ❤ Diana Mistera

Wednesday, November 11, 2020


A girl named Rose is riding her new bike near her home in Deadwood, South Dakota, when she falls through the earth. She wakes up at the bottom of a square hole, its walls glowing with intricate carvings. But the firemen who come to save her peer down upon something even stranger: a little girl in the palm of a giant metal hand.

Seventeen years later, the mystery of the bizarre artifact remains unsolved—its origins, architects, and purpose unknown. Its carbon dating defies belief; military reports are redacted; theories are floated, then rejected.

But some can never stop searching for answers.

Rose Franklin is now a highly trained physicist leading a top secret team to crack the hand’s code. And along with her colleagues, she is being interviewed by a nameless interrogator whose power and purview are as enigmatic as the provenance of the relic. What’s clear is that Rose and her compatriots are on the edge of unraveling history’s most perplexing discovery—and figuring out what it portends for humanity. But once the pieces of the puzzle are in place, will the result prove to be an instrument of lasting peace or a weapon of mass destruction?


Well it took me quite long to put all my notes together and finally write a review of this book.

First of all I want to say that it has been quite a while from the last time I have red a sci-fi book.

This is the first volume of a Trylogy :The Themis Files

It was summer 2019 when an artist that I follow recommended this book, that he was reading too. So, I went on a hunt around the web stores and several pages to see if it has came for me finally the time to go back to sci-fi after years dedicated mostly to fantasy and vampires books. Well it was. And immediately after red 20 pages I decided to follow also the writer, because he has waken up my love for the sci-fi again.

I like a lot how he has planned the book. We see the story told by the characters involved and this is something I haven't seen in a while and is a big plus for my new journey into the sci-fi, and the one who is pulling the strings is a mysterious character which we really don't know from where and who he is.

The reader is entering into the story through every character prospective in the format of interviews. For some, this choice could feel like there are not so much emotions involved but there are and it makes you really wants to know what is happening next and know better also who is involved in the story.

The profile of each character is well built through those interviews and throughout the story, and is easy to understand their strengths, their flaws and their weaknesses.

The character that really I find interesting, like I wrote before, is the interviewer, so I will read for sure the next volumes to understand him better.

I have found the reading really enjoyable and I will read more about Sylvain Neuvel, because I really like his style.

And what a tricky thing is the final? I went to buy the second volume right away. This is the right way to make the reader interest and the curiosity of what comes next high.

So Welcome into my personal Library Sylvain Neuvel! Always nice to find new writers to add. It gives hope to a world that is slowly forgetting how beautiful is to read a well written book!

Monday, September 28, 2020


It's hard to believe that our hearts end up to be broken

by the only feeling that shouldn't do it: Love. 

The constant dying lies, spoil  the beauty of all 

the soul in an endless cry, beg you to not go there

the soul know what is right and wrong

but...we hear her, only when it is too late

sometimes we don't or don't want, to hear her at all.

What we feel and see are the red of our wounds

whose never stop bleeding.

So we die in burning pain,

and how bright those flames are!

Do we want to burn again to ashes? 

I don't. 

Because reborn from them, start to be

every time harder for me.

Why? Why you won't try

for one last time

to put your walls down?

Everything will be all right with me.

Let me just come closer

let's fall in each other arms

crying out loud how much we missed each others.

I want you to believe me, why don't you want to believe me?

Don't let us grow any colder, further away

Life is too short.

Let me come close to your heart

before everything is lost again in an endless sorrow.

© Diana Mistera September 2020

picture taken from

Tuesday, September 22, 2020


 So...what has been going on behind the scenes?

Well quite much I must say. 

I am shifting into a new cycle, that is the main reason of my silence, like you have noticed for sure if you have red the last poems. 

When changes occurred, is necessary to withdraw within yourself, this I did.

I have changed my job so also my schedule has changed and it takes time to adjust to the new rhythm, but today is Mabon, and when Mabon starts; I start to work again in what make me feel happy, so writing, learning more and more about tarots, poetry, reading. 

I have noticed that I become more active when Summer turn into Fall, Fall into Winter, and Winter into Spring.

So in July I did a thing...yes...I have published my second poetry book. It is in English of course, and in a way it summon the changes I have had in the last years. 

What I love of my book it is that come from the soul, and it is the journey where I have been in since 2011, a soul journey of looking for, finding and acknowledging, unconditional love. 

Yes, here we go again, I have told you, I am in a spiritual journey, so that is of course the theme of my writings, in my goth...ish style but this is it.

The book is indeed divided in 3 blocks, with beautiful art at the beginning of each block, and about 80 poems total.

Block 1: LONGING



Why this? 

Well, have you ever listen of what your soul  wants to say to you? I do all the time, I couldn't write poems if I didn't, so when you listen at your soul, you start to hear also your heart and you understand that although everything is ok, you still feel the longing, you feel that something is missing. 

You know that you are bonded to someone, because everything turns to you like this, you find stories about the red string which bond you to your other half, you see signs, dreams of some old memory of another life, that take you always there to him, mostly when you don't looking for them, causing always those ahaa moments, so you start to dig in this because maybe you want to write a story about that, and you start to see some peculiarities, a pattern, that you didn't see before, and you realize you didn't feel the longing if you have already what your soul desire. it only a researching for my upcoming novel or...?

Well absolutely the OR...

What then? Well, you STRUGGLE, because your world go upside down, because you thought you have it already and when you realize you haven't, comes the struggle in finding what your soul long for, what she truly desires, quoting a well known Lucifer Morningstar, and there you find yourself in a journey that you have neither think about it...and I mean ever; where all your fears come to surface, because your soul know who is the other half, he has always been there when you were doing everything else, when you were confuse, you notice he was the only thing that was always present, stable,  that made you feel good always, but you didn't think about him in that way, so comes doubts, comes insecurities comes the question am I going insane? Am I imagining everything because I am in the middle age crisis although I don't want to acknowledge it? And your soul whisper “No you are not...this is happening now because it has to happen now...” so you dig deeper, you find mediums, channellers, maybe that person that you started to notice advise you a book of Ram Dass “BE HERE NOW” and you feel the pull to go to check it and you buy it, and in reading it you find out that you have been in this strange journey already a while, and you understand that everything is unfolding, and you become AWARE, but here, with the Awareness everything begins. Did you really think that was the end of the journey? 

Well you know now, it was only the beginning and things will go deeper, some more difficult, challenging, frustrating some time, well often I must say, but is all part of the journey to the alignment.

So this book is my baby steps in this journey, and I am still more poems will appear, and someday I will be able to walk the way I should...

The poetry book is BEFORE THE DAWN...AFTER DUSK. You can find it in every internet store, paperback and ebook, and on demand you can order from your favourite bookshop worldwide.

Following I leave you the direct link to Amazon  and to SUOMALAINEN KIRJAKAUPPA

Blessed be.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020


 I've been having strange moments

I've been visiting places where I should not go 

step blindly into the unknown.

I've been seeing synchronicity, coincidences, numbers 

catching conversations that enclosed your name

My ears and my eyes never close, 

but the heart doesn't trust

allowing the fear to command.

I've been visiting places where you used to be, 

where you are and we will be 

past, present and future in my dreams, 


if you sense what is going on with me.

Rest assure my dear, 

I don't vanish that easy

I will gain your trust

I am just moving, shifting.

Is that voice in your head sound familiar to you?

Are the footsteps walking beside you comforting?

I am walking along, a discreet presence that is never far

You are a constant thought in my mind,

my soul deepest desire and longing

I can't never let go even if I wanted to.

Devoured by fears and obsessions that cannot be denied 

my reason deserts me, showing me no mercy.

I am moving in the stillness.

© Diana Mistera 2020

Tuesday, June 30, 2020


I don't see the bottom in this sea
and the storm is near
I feel its sharp touch on my soul.
I don't see if under me
there are pikes
or sharks, which could swallow me in one bite.

You can see
even in the depth of the surface, I know, 
you carry the same depth within you,
but you only see sharks, 
encourage me to dare
because you don't trust your senses.
You have never dived so dangerously, have you?
Neither do I.
And the depth of these waters
can find our Achilles heel
and like a spear strikes us mercilessly, without warning.

You do this to me ...
take me adrift
further and further away from the safe beach
and I'm dizzy and I'm scared
but I hear your voice calling me and I can no longer ignore it
even if I don't understand if it's a desperate cry
to ward off sharks ... or me.

You made me discover that I have a secret power
I don't want to hide anymore
I don't want to freeze, I don't want to run away
I don't want to lose you, I will fight to have you
to reach you, I will not give you up.

Do you hear it, when I cry out your name underwater?
Am I drowning or rising to the surface again?

© Diana Mistera 2020

Sunday, June 14, 2020


Once upon a time I lived in a little hut in the forest of Yorkshire. It was many lives ago; not far from one of the cities where an infamous annual fair took place. I went there every year to trade my goods in exchange of what I needed to survive for the winter. In my basket there were always Lavender, Parsley, Sage and Thyme.
I myself cultivated them to make potions, oils, soaps and mojo bags to attract abundance and virtues.
Surrounded by these perfumes I walked among the people, in my most beautiful dress. I traded these creations of mine for bread, eggs and cheese.
When winter was approaching, I traded them for wool, which I used to sew clothes that would keep me warm and covered. The woods provided for everything else, because I was devoted to him.
At the market, I admired the arts of blacksmiths and wood and wax workers, dreaming of a devoted love. So I waited, and waited and waited, but nobody really ever came.
The years passed I became a young woman courted by many, really wanted by nobody, because I was a witch and for this reason an outsider that soon they will burn at the stake, pretending to forget everything I have done for them, but that is another story.
I thought that there had to be love out there for me too, I sighed at the Moon every night as I continued to grow these spices perpetually.
I had always talked to her about everything. She listened to me like a mother, smiled at me like a friend, encouraged me as a woman, during Her phases.
Slowly, however, I lost this conviction, and I didn't speak to the Moon of love anymore, also because if I looked around, I didn't find any love, not what I believed has to be love: unconditional.
Every year for the Beltane festival the market was my regular destination.
I carefully prepare my table with all my goods. I used to carved also little amulets in wood, but,  they only wanted this or that potion.
Young women of marriageable age usually sought love, as if inducing someone to love you, was the main task of a witch, but I had to eat, and I made them potions, with sage, parsley, lavender, rosemary and thyme.
Love cannot be traded, and one's will, cannot be induced by someone. You love me and me only, yes, but for how long? Do they really knew what love was? I would have liked to know because I had no clue, I thought each time that I putted my energies in what they demanded for.
One day a man approached my table. I heard people whispering that he was a warlock and he hadn't visited the market for years, that year his visit shocked everyone. Many believed that he was dead.
He was a hermit, nobody knew his past nor where he had come from; and I remember seeing him once as a child, but my memory was out of focus. But his energy...He had an energy that deep in my soul I knew very well.
His clothes were dark and he wore a hood that covered part of his face. For some reason I couldn't stop my heart for beating too fast.
He was tall for what I could see, with long hair of the same colour as the night.
Black trousers wrapped around his hips and legs, a black shirt open on his chest showed that, if he was the same man I had seen as a child, he had not aged a day.
Around his neck he wore a medallion with a black wolf on it.
Looking at my herbs he said:
"Lavender, parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme ..."
"Yes, Sir. I grow them myself ... "
"They remind me she, who once was, the true love of mine ..."
"Oh, You talk to the past …"
"Time has no importance for those like me... past, present and future cancel each other and entwined in their static nature..."
It was at that moment that raising his head from my table, he looked at me with the eyes of the colour of the blue of the sea, and I remembered , he, who once was, the true love of mine.
“Lavender, parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme; will always make me find the path that will lead me to you, because I am your true love. Lavender will protect you during my absence. Parsley will comfort you. Sage will give you strength. Rosemary is the love you will need to forgive me, and the thyme will be the courage of both, but above all mine, to return. "

© Diana Mistera 2020

Monday, April 13, 2020


Boulevard of Broken Dreams
is the street you think to walk alone
until you notice to be surrounded by clones
disguised as dim shadows, shapeless.
Is there the line, to catch the last ticket
to the next stop: Self Pity.
Didn't you know is free
for those who deserve the visit?
Don't stumble on those broken bricks
the one behind, is ready to run over you.
You feel heavier
every step you take, slower
while all your chances pass you by
heavier, slower,
every mistake you made, now you carry
heavier, slower, frozen
your soul is cracking
on the Boulevard of Broken Dreams.

© Diana Mistera 2020

Monday, March 23, 2020


I am searching answers in the clouds
many of them seemed to shape your face.
You lead me to a point
where everything is shifting and myself with it
everything is redesigned,
rewritten in ciphers that I am unable to decrypt.

In your eyes I see the mysteries of the Universe
they brought light to my life
and I love to get lost in them
although I never understand them.
Encryption decrypted
Ready to fly away, you spread my mind to play.

I see the secrets between the lines
pick them as they are rare flowers
that are growing only in the Savage Garden.

You’re doing wondrous things to my soul.
Do them one more time,
Do to me what you want
I cannot get enough and
I'm thirsty for more until...
the cracking of the reality
ground me back in the uncertainties
back to that cipher that I cannot decrypt.

© Diana Mistera 23.3 2020